Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, happy 2007. I hope that 2006 delivered on it's promise for life and love and I hope that 2007 continues to do the same. Last night showed me just how unpredictable life can be. I had plans to ring in the new years and there were so many options. I was going to be with my friends and ring in the new year in a new and independant way. I was so stoked. Then at 7:30, got a call from a co-worker saying that she was sick and needed me to cover her shift. Half-asleep, I agreed. Once I woke up, however, I wanted to call her back and tell her to shove it and find someone else. I didn't, and be grudgingly I went into work. At 11:30, I looked at the cook and she was grinning ear to ear and was gathering pots from the back to bang at midnight. Okay, maybe this new year won't suck like I thought it would. At midnight, standing outside in the cold, we rung in the new year. Myself, my cook, her finacee and our group of regulars. It really was a celebration. As the new year came upon us, I was filled with an overwhelming sense that God is good and that I am where I am meant to be. I seem to have found myself, or rather God has seemed to show me who I am. A human, nothing more and nothing less, and that there at Rocko's is my family, as dysfunctional and messed up as they are. Each soul unique, and beautiful, fashioned by the hands of a loving and merciful God. I am called there. That is my mission field, even if I don't change a single soul and no one even knows my name, I will have shed light where none was present. I am constantly reminded that these are the people that my God came to walk with, heal and eventually die for. And I am thankful for them all.

1 comment:

Lory Jean said...

Hey there!!!
Happy New Year (and Merry Christmas too) glad to hear that things are going the way they are supposed to!
Lory Jean