Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Crap weekend

Shittiest week ever!! I got off of work on Thursday morning and my mom's dog had peed all over my NEW and EXPENSIVE bedding. Because of working full time at night and going to school all day everyday I have really made an effort to make my room a sanctuary and try to keep it clean, so that I can enjoy my sleep and not get frustrated with my own mess. So dealing with Great Dane pee on my new bed after a crappy shift and three hours of sleep between two days of school and two nights of work wasn’t fun!
Then after work on Friday morning, I kept hearing a glug-glug-glug sound. Knowing that I don’t live in a Robert Munsch book I went to investigate and slipped in the three inches of water that were flooding my laundry room. Then as I was headed back up the stairs to awaken my parents and tell them of this misfortune I stepped in some more water that was coming from my mom’s office. I discovered that a pipe had burst was water was seeping through the wall. WHAT A MESS!!! Thank the Good Lord above for house insurance. And thank Him also that I work nights, because now my sister and I are sharing a bed (and a room) due to water damage in her bathroom and closet. After all of the cleaning crew, maintenance people and insurance tycoons left our house (at about 9pm Friday night) we watched a movie. Just as the end credits started to roll there was a power outage about 4 by 10 blocks on our side of Mission. WHAT A NIGHTMARE. My brother and I, tired of sitting in a cold and dark house, did what we do best. We went to Rocko’s for nachos and milkshakes!
Saturday wasn’t a total bust. I got to see Nicole, Nantina and Amber and Jars Of Clay---KILLER concert sooo good. I laughed, I cried, I rocked out and generally just had fun.
This leads me to the saddest news yet; even as I type this I am brushing the tears from my face. My dog Zeke has bone cancer. I took him to the vet last week and they had no clue what was going on and wanted to do X-rays that I couldn’t afford. So my mom gave me the number of a woman that she knows and she looked at him and gave me the bad news. There is a chance that he could get better, but right now he just lays in the front hall and does nothing, so things don’t look so good. He is on painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

So yeah, that was my weekend. When it rains it pours….
I need a vaction, did you hear that God?? A VACATION!!

1 comment:

Nicole Elisabeth said...

O MY GOODNESS!! dara i am sooooo sorry about Zeke, that dog is adorable.... **Hugz** super hugs right now! Im speechless, keep me updated with whatever happens... at least Jars was fun right? and having you over was super awesome! Im so happy that we got time together, even though i wasnt the best company, so sorry for being so bitchy.
I LOVE YA! i really really do and i hope soo much that i get to see you again soon, like next tuesday???