Friday, February 09, 2007

6 wierd things about me...

6 Weird Things You May or May Not Have Known About Me (or were afraid to know)

1. HATE BANANAS---Can't stand them. Not the taste, smell or texture. I have to do everything in my power not to puke when I am around them, especially the mush ones **shudders**

2. I sleep with 5 blankets and five pillows and I have the window open. I like the weight of the blankets but I don't like how warm they make me. I like to sleep with two pillows under my head, one in my arms, one between my feet and the other one at my back like a baby. Wow, I'm pretty high maintenance!!

3. A dog isn't a dog unless they are BIG. And I mean BIG. (Sorry Nicole)

4. I'm really good at startng projects and never completing them. Under my bed and in my closet lurks the proof of that.

5. I've NEVER been to the zoo. But I am going on Sunday!!

6. hmmmmmm.....I love pink!!

that's all I got. Sad I know. Maybe if I come up with a good one I will repost it. Oh! Here's one I've never been to Disneyland!! How's that?

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