Put your IPOD on random. For every song that plays, write about who, or what, it reminds you of. Or what this song signifies. 9 songs later, you may be nostalgic...or maybe inspired.
Grace Like a River-Delirous. This song reminds me of Delirious concerts with Melissa Wilson, over priced concert merchandise and a wierd dance team that really made no sense and of course the never-ending grace of an ever-loving savior. How his grace washes over us always.
My Heavenly- Jars Of Clay. This one brings me back to a time of feeling lost, and then found. And in that finding purpose in life--even in the smallest thing. In my mind I picture a driving down a long dirt road all alone, only to meet my one true love and fly above it all.
Let It Be- The Beatles. Just calm and peace is what this reminds me of. Of finding inspiration in a guitar solo. Reminds me of my graduation and knowing that now I must step into the real world and let all that has past be and just let it rest. It also reminds me of a bride walking down the aisle to her soon to be husband. I want to walk down the aisle to this song!
I so hate consequences- Relient K. Just that-- it reminds me of all of the bullsh*t I have pulled in my life and how time and time again I can shy away of what I want and what is required of me. It's a place of being sorry and catching up with my actions.
Girls & Boys- Good Charlotte. Reminds me of head banging, driving over the speed limit, and singing the wrong lyrics. Also it reminds me of watching late night Much Music with Emma.
Will I- Rent. This song is quite simple. The only lines are: Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare? Very powerful. It reminds me of Jesus' final night on this earth and the questions and uncertainty He faced. It reminds me of His grief and sorrow.
Shipwreck-Starfield. This song reminds me of the past few years of life. Coming back to God in a whole new way and trading all that I have for Him and His plan for me.
Sanctus- Drentch. Deep, Deep worship. Just stillness, just my heart speaking and connecting with God.
Sweet Home Alabama- Lynyrd Skynyrd. Ummm, Jamming on the Guitar. Alexis White, and of course Forrest Gump.