Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Give a little grace...

I came across this video and to be honest I can't stop thinking about it. It is haunting me because I know I would do the same. We all need to give a little ourselves. I was 26 when I bought my first tube of lipstick and when I decided that it was okay for me to wear liquid eyeliner, before that I thought that anything beyond foundation to cover an ugly face was only for beautiful people who had perfect cheekbones and long full eyelashes. It took me over a quarter of a century to learn that I wasn't just another ugly face that deserved to sit in a corner and watch the years go by. There will never be another you, there will never be another me and if we don't claim our God-given beauty then no one else will. If we don't embrace our beauty then it will reach the grave before we do and it will be just another gift that we have wasted in this all too short life.
Love who you are. You are too pretty to sit in a dark corner while beauty passes you by.

Please watch and enjoy this video.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

love this, love you!