Well, I suppose it has been awhile since I have written so I thought that I would update this. My life has been so busy lately, filled with projects and studying and work. It has all been a bit crazy.
This week's song is "Getting into You " by RELIENT K
when I made up my mind
and my heart along with that
to live not for myself
but yet for God
somebody said
do you know what you are getting yourself into?
when I finally ironed out
all of my priorities
and asked God to remove the doubt
that makes me unsure of these
things I ask myself
I ask myself
do you know what you are getting yourself into?
I'm getting into You
because You got to me
in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into You
because I've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm gonna love You with my life
when He looked at me and said
I kind of view you as a son
and for a second our eyes met
and I met that with a question
do you know what you are getting yourself into?
I'm getting into You
because You got to me
in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into You
because I've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm gonna love You with my life
I've been a liar and I'll never amount to
the kind of person you deserve to worship You
You say You will not dwell on what I did but rather what I do
you say
I love you and that's what you are getting yourself into
I'm getting into You
because You got to me
in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into You
because I've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm gonna love You with my life
you said
I love you and that's what you are getting yourself into
I put the lyrics first in purpose for two reasons: One, to shake things up a bit and put life on its head and second to make you read them and hear what I have to say about this song. Today I don't feel so hot. I am fighting a bad mood and I just want to lie in quiet and worship God through my inadequacies. You see, I have been killer busy with work and projects and final papers at school that I haven't figured out my priorities. My Bible for the past few days has been collecting dust and I haven't put everything at His feet. I've been running like a chicken with it's head cut off and like an addict I can't cope without my next fix. I want the world to quiet down and I just want to hide under His wings. I chose this song because it speaks about the ever pressing love that the Father bestows upon us. His love is inescapable. I'm choosing Him because words can't describe how He has captured me, He has calmed my fluttering heart and has met me in the midst of my sickly sin. My experience as a Christian, if you laid it out in pro/con point form would have more "con" points than "pro" points, but I find that I don't care. Can a fish live out of water? Or a dog under the sea? Neither can survive, just as I can not survive with out Christ. Something inside me falls apart, my soul turns blue from lack of oxygen and it starts to wither and decay. I was made in His image and it is in Him that I am meant to live. I am humbled, today especially, but His abundance of love and grace. In Church today I lost my temper at least three times (that I am willing to admit) and each time He was there to catch me and show me that His mercy heals all and His love transcends every heart and every deed. I could never amount to the kind of person that God deserves to love and I have never claimed to be one, it is by His grace that I am set free and despite my attitude, insufficiencies and efforts He chooses to call me to Him and give me life. Without Him I am nothing and apart from Him I can do nothing, He is my sustainer and my life. Whoever or whatever I have lost in pursuit of Him was not in vain because He is my fortress and my shield. I abandon all to Him and no more pay heed to this world.
Lord Jesus, I ask that your love and grace would flow unceasing on me, whoever may be reading this and the rest of this world.
Lord I lay everything before you and I come back to you. I thank you for loving through every season and I thank you that all my have lost from this world, I have gained in Your holy and precious name. Lord God you are the environment I am meant to live in and I ask that you keep me from leaving. Show me your will and continue to speak to me and show me visions that even I could not dream. As I fall down at your feet I give you all of my world and myself to you. Pick me up and put me back on my feet, keep my heart filled with your law and your love.
Well said, Again, Love the Picture
I love that song by Relient K; I made a bible cover with the lyrics of that song written all over it - it was well read, well understood and well loved.
I like your blog * wink wink*
<3 Heather
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