Saturday, July 22, 2006

YUP!! That is me. Granted they aren't the most flattering pictures,(it was close to one in the morning!!) but I do love the color, don't you?? It's pink!! I love my crazy hair..let me know what color I should do next k?? I'll probably color it again in a couple weeks or so. But for now it is sooooo much fun!!

Well, summer is half done and that makes me sad. I wish that I could stay at the ranch for so much longer than the time that I have left. God is amazing!! Life is so good and I'm learning so much!!

I love you all!!

Friday, July 14, 2006


Well, I am home now--just for the weekend. But I have survived my first two weeks at camp. To be honest, it has been bittersweet. Learning to adjust to the new staff, new rules and learning how to serve God in a completely different way has been quite challenging. I feel energized, lazy, sad and happy all at the same time. I have been blessed to hear long lost friends' stories of their journeys and my heart has been uplifted but tales of joy and burdened by tales of darkness and doubt. How amazing God is that He called me to am not worthy of anything except the condemnation that awaits for me without God. His strength is the only way that I can face everyday. It was strange to go back and reconnect and see how others have changed and stayed the same. God is so good. He is soo faithful and HE just pours his blessing down upon us. What an amazing God we have that loves us without us loving Him. This year Timberline celebrates it's 45th anniversary and just knowing that God has been faithful to the vision that He put into the hearts of the two men who started that camp puts a chill in my bones. In came across a verse in Jeremiah that says something along the lines of how God's faithfulness endures from generation to generation.. It is sooo true. His love and faithfulness reign from horizon to horizon. Oh, what a wonderful God we serve!! To know that His faithfulness is something that I can bet my life on overwhelms me. To know that in my brokenness I can have something to lean on is beyond words.

**Father- You are so good and you are soooo faithful. I see it everyday. You truly do amaze me. Burst into my life and continue to show me your greatness. I stand in awe of your majesty. To know that you would reach down from the heavens and whisper to me words of life and truth is something that I will never comprehend. You are so good. For the rest of my days, Lord, I just want to worship you. You are beyond beauty, beyond words and to awesome to contain. I love you**

Here's a song that I have been singing alot lately...Just let it bless you!!

From everlasting to everlasting You are God
From everlasting to everlasting You are God

In holiness you stand secure through culture's shifting sands
Unchanged by all the vanities of man
And as the nations rise and fall your sovereignty remains
You are You are You are the One True God

In faithfulness your love extends through times of turbulence
Adopting those who call upon your name
And every generation joins in songs of grateful praise
You are You are You are the One True God

Eternal immortal invisible God
Eternal immortal invisible God

Saturday, July 01, 2006


well I packed for camp this morning... I even got fancy rubber gloves with feathers on them, like the ladies from the show "How clean is your house". I am always amazed at the amount of stuff that I pack for the week. It truly is astounding!!! PJ's, tooth stuff, hair junk, clothes, Bible, make-up.....The list goes on and on!! As I sit here surrounded by my stuff I begin to wonder about my other baggage. You know the stuff that I take with me everywhere and everyday. The emotional stuff. The remnants of broken relationships, remainders of bad days and the weight of failured endeavors. I am in shock of the amount of hurtful and painful moments in the past that I can dig up in the drop of a hat. And that saddens me. I tell others that God's gift is the now and that He holds the past in the vastness of His grace. When I made a commitment to follow Him I forfeited everything my hopes and dreams, my failures and weaknesses. They all belong to Him. I also gave Him my past because He alone heals and forgives. There is a verse that comes to mind when i think about this it is Matthew 11:28-30
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Wow!! What an idea. He promises not to give us anything that we can't carry and I don't know about you but it is getting pretty hard for me to run for God with all of this extra baggage strapped around my neck!! I want to work with God and learn how live like He intends me to and carrying around all of this extra stuff is making it impossible for me to do so. Lets drop our baggage and run for Him. Let Him take care of that extra 400 pounds of junk that you are carrying. He really didn't want for you hold on to it. Remember that everyday you wake forgiven and that God has cast away all of your sins into the sea of forgetfulness. He holds no grudges and there isn't anything that you can to make him not forgive you. So, put down that bag and run for him. Live freely and lightly!!! Live in his promises!! He will be faithful....